Active Transportation Plan

Active Transportation Plan Poster
City of Saskatoon Growing Forward Active Transportation Plan


The City of Saskatoon is developing an Active Transportation Plan. Active Transportation is any form of human-powered transportation for all ages and abilities such as walking, jogging, cycling, skateboarding, and persons using mobility aids.


This part of the Growth Plan to Half a Million involves developing an Active Transportation Plan to provide people more choice in how we move around Saskatoon by addressing our community and infrastructure needs to make cycling, walking and other modes of active transportation attractive.


Bus Riders of Saskatoon has been invited to participate in the Stakeholder Advisory Committee for the ATP. You can get involved in the following two ways:


  1. Attend the Family-Friendly Drop-in on May 23, 2015, from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at River Landing near the Pump House.
  2. Fill in the Online Survey before May 29, 2015.


Speak Out for Transit: Be Part of Growing Forward in March 2015


[AD] Feb-March 2015 Growth Plan Public Engagement

The City of Saskatoon has been working on a Growing Forward plan over the past year, gathering public input and crafting strategies for transit and development that will shape our city for years to come. One of the key items up for discussion is a plan for introducing Bus Rapid Transit, which we spoke about previously.

Do you have any thoughts on these issues? Do you want to learn more?

Now is your chance.

On March 3 at TCU Place, and on March 10 at the university, the city will be presenting what they’ve got so far, and asking for input from the public to make it better. If you can attend any of these events, you should. We’ll all benefit from having an informed and vocal body of citizens scrutinizing this plan. What does it do well? Where does it fall short? Where do we need a bolder vision? How can we implement it effectively?

Even if you can’t make it out to the public events, you can still make your voice heard. Starting on February 25, and running till March 18, you can give feedback through an online survey at the Growing Forward website.



City of Saskatoon Meeting #5

The University Bridge closure. A new Adopt-a-Stop program. Real-time transit info.

Read all about it, right here.

These are the minutes from our fifth meeting with the Saskatoon Transit administration, on February 11, 2015. The discussion was wide ranging, and also covered questions about Access Transit, problematic bus stops, and the formation of the new Transit Advisory Committee.

Every month, three members from Bus Riders of Saskatoon have the opportunity to meet with transit management at the City of Saskatoon. This allows us to have a forum for discussion and a channel for communication between our groups. If you would like to see an item added to the next meeting’s agenda, please email with the subject “City of Saskatoon Meetings – Agenda”.

Past meeting minutes are all available on the Meeting Minutes page.