Meeting with Saskatoon Transit #7

Three Bus Riders of Saskatoon, Sarina, Mandy, and Dianne, met with representative of the Saskatoon Transit for Meeting #7.  The Interim Assistant Director, the Marketing Manager, and two Operations Superintendents were able to attend the meeting.

During the April 12, 2015  Bus Riders of Saskatoon meeting, a member questioned the usefulness of these meetings.  Prior to the creation of the Bus Riders of Saskatoon, interested individuals had previously met with Saskatoon Transit in suggest to improvements for Saskatoon’s public transportation.

We have been told that there Saskatoon Transit does not have a formal process in place for collecting information gathered at these monthly meetings. However, having Saskatoon Transit managers and any other relevant staff present to hear our feedback first hand allows them to fit them directly into their work plan. This has included the discussion of strollers on buses, and additional training for staff.  The Bus Riders of Saskatoon have also been told that Saskatoon Transit is a slow moving ship.  This indicates that change is slow to happen.  For example, suggestions from an earlier meeting held with Saskatoon Transit regarding beautification of bus shelters will occur this summer.  Art has been designed for bus shelters downtown.

So, to all of our members, whether through Facebook, our Gmail group, or anyone else who supports our cause through word-of-mouth: Please keep providing suggestions for input at these meeting with Saskatoon Transit.  You can send an email to or express yourself on Facebook.

Also discussed in this past meeting:

  • Routes affected by the University Bridge closure
  • The process of route changes and route adjustments
  • Beautification of transit terminals
  • Councillor Loewen’s request for a cost report for a smooth-running transit system
  • A change in Saskatoon Transit’s Marketing Manager
  • Saskatoon Transit’s Gold Quill Award
  • The arrival of ten new buses.

The next meeting will occur on May 13, 2015.  The Bus Riders of Saskatoon would like to invite our members to attend.  Sarina routinely attends, in order to provide consistency and to write the minutes.  If you would like to attend, we ask that you attend the next group meeting, on May 10th at the Saskatoon Food Bank.

Stephan Simon

Stephan is frequently cynical and has an on again, off again interest in politics and holding our public officials to account, mostly at the municipal level. Despises hypocrisy. A number cruncher born and raised in Saskatoon. Mmmm, crunchy numbers. Blogs at and tweets @yxesimonsays