Minutes of Meeting #10, March 11, 2015

The tenth meeting of Bus Riders of Saskatoon was held on Sunday, March 11, 2015, at the Saskatoon Food Bank. Meeting minutes are available if you need to catch up or just have a bad memory like me!

Special thanks to our guests Councillor Mairin Loewen for sharing her views on public transit as well as Brian and Shannon from Better Transit YXE for their thoughts on encouraging discussion about public transit in Saskatoon.

See you at the next meeting, 1:30 p.m. Sunday April 12, 2015, at the Saskatoon Food Bank.

Minutes from Meeting #6 with Saskatoon Transit

Three of our member, (Sarina, Samuel, and Robert), met with Saskatoon Transit for the Bus Riders of Saskatoon Meeting #6.  It took place on March 11, 2015.

Among the topics discussed:

  • The Downtown Bus Mall
  • Signal Prioritization
  • Bus Service to North Industrial in the Future
  • Data Collection
  • The New Website
  • Snow Removal
  • Safety Protocols

These meetings are held each month. Three people from our group attend. Besides Sarina, who attends regularly to ensure institutional memory and compile minutes, these members change. If you would like to attend a meeting, the group asks that you first attend the Bus Rider of Saskatoon’s monthly meeting. For those who cannot attend, please email any concerns or ideas to busridersofsaskatoon@gmail.com.  They will be very much appreciated in our meetings with Saskatoon Transit.

City of Saskatoon Meeting #5

The University Bridge closure. A new Adopt-a-Stop program. Real-time transit info.

Read all about it, right here.

These are the minutes from our fifth meeting with the Saskatoon Transit administration, on February 11, 2015. The discussion was wide ranging, and also covered questions about Access Transit, problematic bus stops, and the formation of the new Transit Advisory Committee.

Every month, three members from Bus Riders of Saskatoon have the opportunity to meet with transit management at the City of Saskatoon. This allows us to have a forum for discussion and a channel for communication between our groups. If you would like to see an item added to the next meeting’s agenda, please email Busridersofsaskatoon@gmail.com with the subject “City of Saskatoon Meetings – Agenda”.

Past meeting minutes are all available on the Meeting Minutes page.


Minutes from our Seventh Meeting, December 14, 2014

The Bus Riders of Saskatoon held its seventh meeting on Sunday, December 14th, 2014 at the Saskatoon Food Bank.  If you would like to know what happened at that meeting, please see: Minutes for Meeting Seven – Bus Riders of Saskatoon.  It includes updates on our Internal, External, and Online committees, as well as short term and long term goals.  There was also dicussion on how to categorize ongoing transit problems, ways to build upon motions from the motions made during the City of Saskatoon’s budget deliberations, and other initatives to further our group’s cause.